Creating 2021 Stronger: Bringing Radical Resiliency into the New Year!

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Our internal narrative has the power to either sabotage our efforts or to catapult us into a new realm. For virtually her whole life, Lois Barth, Human Development Expert and Motivational Speaker and Coach, has been fascinated by why obstacles and challenges cause some people to shut down, but others to innovate, recreate, and reimagine and ultimately live a life full of joy, success, and impact.

We’ve faced extraordinary challenges this past year: we’ve done more with less, learned to work remotely, juggled home and work life, and conducted business with screaming kids and barking dogs (and sometimes with barking kids and screaming dogs!). To say that this year has been difficult is surely an understatement. History shows us that many of our greatest ideas and innovations have come from our toughest struggles. Today’s difficulties can become tomorrow’s opportunities.

Lois understands our innate resilience and the degree to which individuals rely on their resilience to move forward. During a crisis, people seem to fall into one of three categories: the first group includes people who freeze, do nothing; the second, people who just try to get by, hoping that things will “bounce back”; and then the third group, who don’t just bounce back, but spring forward, not allowing anything to stop them. Instead, they actively seek opportunities and solutions. These are the exact traits that business owners and entrepreneurs must rely on every day!

Come join us as Lois Barth helps us move towards becoming a member of this third group and ushers us through the 4C’s of Radical Resiliency to Create 2021 Stronger!

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